Project partner:
IWARU, Institute for Water, Resources and Environment, is an institute of the Münster University of Applied Sciences in which applied research and development is carried out in the fields of water, environment, resources and energy. Nine professors from different disciplines such 'civil engineering', ' energy, buildings and environment', 'architecture' and 'business administration' have come together as an interdisciplinary team.
The working group resource, led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Flamme, works on national and international projects in the thematic field of closed-loop economy and resource management. The main focus, among others, is on the evaluation and optimization of recycling processes and plants for various material flows. This includes potential analyses as well as material-flow analyses and the balancing of waste-management plants. Practical solutions for the respective problems are being developed using various aggregates in the laboratory and semi-technical standard, e.g. screen drums, crushers, oscillating sieves, near-infrared separators, and metal separator.
Further information and contact addresses can be found here.
Project D
Private Households as Urban Mines - Terra Incognita of the Resource Economy.
The project is based on three selected houses in research regions. IWARU will develop a detailed material and raw-material analysis for each of them. Besides of the two established types of object (electrical appliances and furniture) there is also another yet to determined type of object which is commonly use on mobile equipment as well as in building as a stationary object.
The material composition of the building will be identified according to the material type and substances based on existing data related to construction’s volume/geometry. Furthermore, the substance composition is subject to large variations over long periods, that is why different age-class-dependent inventories are required to be used, in particular, on existing analyses, for example for the description of building stocks.
There will be a differentiated evaluation of the respective period of use (continued use / storage / disposal) depending on various (technical and monetary) influencing factors.
The team

Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Sabine Flamme
Managing director
After completing my degree in construction engineering at the Münster University of Applied Sciences, I worked for more than 20 years in practical projects, in particular in the field of resource recycling and waste treatment. Moreover, during my time at the Ahlen Institute for Waste, Sewage and Infrastructure management (INFA) I conducted national as well as international related projects. With my appointment at the Münster University of Applied Sciences (subject area: material-flow and resource management) in 2005, I assumed the direction of the then 11-person working group resources in IWARU.
I have published a large number of my own investigations in lectures and specialist journals, among others, also on recycling and disposal of various construction waste flows. In 2008, I was appointed to the board of trustees of the Entsorgergemeinschaft der Deutschen Entsorgungswirtschaft e. V. (EdDE) (waste disposal association of the German waste-disposal industry) and in 2013 to the board of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Abfallwirtschaft e. V. (DGAW) (German waste management association). Since early 2013, I have been a member of the recycling / useful-life working group of the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Urban Development (BMVBS).

Gotthard Walter
After a degree in construction engineering at the Münster University of Applied Sciences I worked for a year and a half as a specialist technical authority of the state of North-Rhine Westphalia, following by nine years of working at the research and advisory institute in the field of waste management. I have been working at the Münster University of Applied Sciences since 1999. I am responsible for the initiation, organization and implementation of research and development projects within the field of closed-loop economy and resource management. In recent years, there has been a greater focus on the intelligent approach to resources in the various material flows in projects commissioned and approved by IWARU.
Alongside this full-time work, since 2004 I have been lecturing at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences in the field of material-flow management.

Niklas Heller M.Sc.
ResearcherIn 2012, I completed my bachelor’s degree in civil engineering at the Münster University of Applied Sciences with the specialization in water and waste management, following by a master’s degree in civil engineering with the profile line environment and infrastructure. At the same time, I started working as a scientific assistant at IWARU. My master thesis was focused on the recording and calculation of resources installed in buildings and quarters. I will deepen this theme further on as part of my doctorate. The analysis of buildings and their possible uses as resource stores are essential reference points to the BMBF association.

Julia Geiping, Dipl.-Ing.
ResearcherIn 2009 I finished my studies as civil engineer with a diploma thesis on the deconstruction of landfills. Since then I am working as scientific assistant at the Institute for Water, Resources and Environment in the study group of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Flamme. There I was working in different research projects on more efficient utilization of resources. Amongst others I dealt with themes like quality assurance of surrogate fuel and recycling of old electric devices. In line with subproject D I am analyzing the demand of resources in single-family houses.

Lea Andreae, B.Eng.
ResearcherI finished my bachelor degree in Civil Engineering at the FH Münster in 2014 and am working since then as a research assistant at the IWARU in the working group „Resources“. At the same time I am completing my MA degree in Civil Engineering in which I focus on infrastructure and environment. During this time I also spent six months working on a research project about infrastructure in New Zealand. As a research assistant at the IWARU I was involved in several projects on the recycling of electric devices and resources in buildings. In the context of subproject D I will continue my research on the demand of resources in single-family houses.

Catharina Rohde, B.A., B. Eng.
In 2008, I began by a bachelor’s degree in architecture at the Münster School of Architecture and in 2013 the Münster University of Applied Sciences awarded my Bachelor thesis “This Makes School - The Attempt at a Cradle-to-Cradle School Building” with the special prize for sustainability. In parallel to my degree in architecture, in 2010 I took up a second BA program in civil engineering at the Münster University of Applied Sciences, completing my bachelor’s degree there in May 2015. Likewise, the focus of the bachelor thesis at the civil engineering department was related to sustainability in the context of dismantling in the construction industry. Parallel to my studies, I extended my civil-engineering expertise through work as a tutor at the departments for the History and Theory of Architecture and for Structural Design and Construction. I am supporting IWARU since 2013 as a student assistant. Since October 2014 I am working as a scientific assistant in the resources working group. My tasks include, among others, the approach to resources in the construction industry.